Welcome to ByggMiljöGruppen (the Building Environment Group)

We are experts on indoor environment and building damages.

Our engineers are in the front line of the branch and have all long experience from investigating and surveying buildings.

Our customers are often the state, cities, big construction companies and tenants. Our employers honour our concrete retrofit proposals.

During the years we have been investigating buildings all over Sweden, in Portugal (big building for a bank), in Belgium (a building for medical production), in France (residential building), in Finland (day care centre).

Our engineers take active part in the development of investigation methods and retrofit methods by taking part in national and international organisations e.g. EU (retrofit of mould damages), WHO (retrofit of mould damages), ISIAQ (indoor air/sick buildings) and SWESIAC (Swedish chapter of ISIAQ). Some of our engineers are authors of books, articles and papers concerning our specialities. Papers have been presented at many international conferences around the world such as the Healthy Buildings and Indoor Air conferences.

Some of our specialties are:

Investigations of moisture damages

Investigations of indoor environments (Sick Buildings, IAQ)

Investigations of radon in buildings

Investigations of ventilation (indoor air quality)

Investigations of concrete damages

Investigations of thermal insulation and air tightness in buildings

If you want to know more, just give us a call or send an e-mail. You find the phone numbers on the Swedish site under “Kontakt”. Just add +46 before the phone number and skip the first 0. The e-mail addresses are found on the Swedish site under “Medarbetare”.




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